Tyler Cardiovascular Consultants

CVCTyler Cardiovascular Consultants have been serving the residents of Tyler and surrounding communities for the past 25 years, putting forth their efforts to bring the highest quality in cardiac care in East Texas. Equipped with the latest technology in cardiology today and supported by a team of highly skilled physicians and other healthcare professionals, Tyler Cardiovascular Consultants is recognized as the most experienced cardiology research and treatment clinic in the region. The uniqueness of the clinic stands in the exclusive blend of experience, capability, and training that it offers to patients. Tyler Cardiovascular Consultants specialize in cardiology consultation, state-of-the-art nuclear and echo diagnostics, clinical research, non-invasive diagnostic evaluation, cardiac arrhythmia management, coronary catheterization and intervention, as well as the possibility of exploring new directions in treating heart disease. For more information about Tyler Cardiovascular Consultants, please visit www.tylercvc.com.

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